We are a full service marketing agency that helps cities, utilities and nonprofits advance their ambitious sustainability goals.

  • Driven by Data

    All of our campaigns start and end with data. Whether from surveys, focus groups, audits, or interviews, we help identify your target audience so you don’t waste time on guesswork. We also measure each campaign’s success.

  • Informed by Science

    We design our marketing strategies drawing from research in behavioral change sciences. Engaging residents in urban sustainability initiatives is a proven tool for success.

  • Tailored to Your Needs

    We know government and nonprofits inside and out, so we’re ready to anticipate your needs right from the start—whether it’s an independent project or a complete marketing campaign.

Our Services

  • We dive into existing market research and ask deep, thoughtful questions to learn your objectives, challenges, opportunities, and KPIs. We take data-driven insights and shape campaigns, developing goals to measure success. Whether it’s a discreet marketing tool, like a website or a newsletter, or a comprehensive multi-platform multi-partner marketing campaign, we develop robust plans for effective audience targeting, messaging, design, outreach and assessment.

  • To define and prioritize your target audiences, develop compelling messaging and design, and uncover the most effective forms of communication we rely on a suite of research tools. Often we’ll start with desk research and interviews, other times we’ll run focus groups and field consumer surveys. Then we’ll translate the results into a comprehensive, highly-customized marketing strategy.

  • Once you know who you want to reach and what, specifically, you want them to do, we will help you develop a robust messaging strategy. From there, our talented writers will help you craft targeted and compelling language for all marketing and outreach materials - whether it’s copy for a new program webpage, a bus shelter ad, event signage or a fact sheet.

  • You’ve got the right message and know your audience, but now you need to get it to them. We’ll help you find the most efficient and cost-effective ways to reach your audience, be they Google Ads or billboards or ads in hyper-local media outlets.

  • Once we have your audience, messaging and media channel strategies in place, our seasoned designers will develop an eye-catching look for your marketing materials that are customized to maximize success across individual media formats.

  • A strong brand can be your greatest asset. We help you define a brand people trust, from strategy to design and brand building, that speaks loud and true to your organization. We’ll also create a brand guide so your materials are professional and consistent across platforms and support the long-term development of strong brand equity.

Our Cities





Los Angeles



St. Paul

Washington DC

Our Clients

About Us

Vision Flourish is a marketing, branding, and research consultancy dedicated to working with municipal governments and nonprofits to develop strong, sophisticated, and successful environmental sustainability programs. Founded in 2017, Vision Flourish has helped dozens of cities build campaigns to address climate change and meet their equity and sustainability goals.

Marketing for Action

A Guide to Marketing Fundamentals for Urban Sustainability Offices